Taking a Phone Message page 22.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ESL Podcast #190 - Taking a Phone Message".
Audio name on your CD: "ESL Podcast #190 - Taking a Phone Message.mp3".
Written Exercise.
Write the messages Paolo has to take.
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-20.html .
Order Food in a Restaurant Page 30.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "OrderFoodInARestaurant".
Audio name on your CD: "OrderFoodInARestaurant.mp3".
Written exercise.
Listen to this conversation and write what the lady ordered for her and for her companion.
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-20.html .
Room Service Page 30.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "RoomService".
Audio name on your CD: "RoomService.mp3".
Questions about context.
1. What was he doing before he arrived to his room?
2. What did Jeff order as a snack?
3. How long did it take to arrive?
4. How much was it?
5. How much does the hotel charge for room service?
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-20.html .
Extra work: New York Street Food.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "NewYorkStreetFood" (from 2:08 to 4:50).
Audio name on your CD: "NewYorkStreetFood.mp3" (from 2:08 to 4:50).
Written Exercise.
1. What are the things you can get for breakfast lunch and dinner in the big apple?
2. How much are you expected to pay for them?
3. Is there a special area suggested for lunch or dinner?
4. Write some of the suggestions offered.
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-20.html .
Extra work: Tips for Stress Free Shopping with Kids.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "021 MM Tips for Stress Free Shopping With Kids".
Audio name on your CD: "TipsForStressFreeShoppingWithKids.mp3".
Questions about Context.
1- What does the hostess take with her when she's shopping?
2- Name 3 suggestions when shopping with toddlers.
3- Name 2 suggestions when shopping with older kids.
4- Name 2 games you can play with your kids while shopping.
5- Name 2 activities you can share with older kids.
6- Which is the hostess's daughter's favorite section at the supermarket? Why?
7- Tell us about the incident with the grapes.
8- Tell us about the activity related with Math.
9- What's a great game for older kids when you are at the check out.
10- Tell us about the tips the hostess mentioned at the end of the show.
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-20.html .
Extra work: Tips for Handling Food Safely.
PDF file name on your CD: "HandleFoodProperly.pdf".
Questions about context.
Write a quick essay with all the things you didn't know about handling food.
Extra Work: No More Nurses (explicit).
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "NoMoreNurses".
Video name on your CD: "NoMoreNurses" MPEG4 file.
Feature. Verb.
Sizzling. Adjective.
Motto. Noun.
Bypass. Noun.
Flatline. Noun.
Artery clogging. Adjective.
Lard. Noun.
Upgrade. Verb.
Doctor's coat. Noun.
Threating. Adjective.
X-rated. Adjective.
Wheel out. Verb.
Naughty. Noun.
Stereotype. Noun.
Object. Verb.
Grow a sense of humor.
Brainless sluts. Noun.
Bully. Verb.
Abdicate. Noun.
Questions about Context.
1- Describe the Heart Attack Grill in your own words.
2- What's the restaurant's motto?
3- What's so unique about the "flatliner fries?
4- Are there any policies this restaurant follows?
5- What's this restaunrant's biggest problem? Is it a health problem or a legal one?
6- What type of value added services are offered by the staff at this restaurant?
7- What does Sandy Summers think about this whole thing?
8- And what does Clark Neily from the Institute for Justice think about it?
9- What would you be most offended for?
Ejercicios por Lección
about food
Clases Grupales
Cultural Differences
Curso Empresarial
Curso Intensivo
diseases and symptoms
Lesson 01
Lesson 02
Lesson 03
Lesson 04
Lesson 05
Lesson 06
Lesson 07
Lesson 08
Lesson 09
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
lesson 30
Live entertainment
Movie Trailers
Physical Descriptions
reading material
Social Media
stock market
successful companies
TV Commercials
TV shows
working moms