
Extra Work Lesson 14

Asking for info Part 1 Page 49.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Bob&Rob AskForInfoPart1".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&Rob AskForInfoPart1.mp3".

Listen to this podcast to learn new ways to ask politely. Write examples.

Asking for info Part 2 Page 49.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Bob&Rob AskForInfoPart2".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&Rob AskForInfoPart2.mp3".

Listen to this podcast to learn new ways to ask politely. Write examples.

Kids in Japan Page 55.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Bob&Rob KidsInJapan".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&Rob KidsInJapan.mp3".

Dandy. Adjective. Great. (0:25)

“I’m doing just dandy”.
Day care. Supervision of and care for children or disabled adults that is provided during the day by a person or organization.
“I usually take my kids to day care on Wednesdays”.
Look after. Verb. To take care of.
“My mom looks after my kids”.
Twice. Two times.
“I go to the library twice a year”.
Lavish. Adjective. Luxurious, sophisticated. (3:15) “People in my neighborhood just want to have a more lavish life style”.
Keen. Adjective. Eager.
“People are keen to go on vacation during Summer time”.
Enough. Sufficient.
“My schedule is flexible enough to go home to have lunch”.
Hesitant. Adjective. Not sure about something. Would you feel hesitant about your kid being sent to day care?
Lock. To make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks.
“We lock the dog in the bathroom when we have visits”.
Pick up. Verb.
“I usually pick her up at school at 3 in the afternoon”.
Encourage. Verb. To inspire with courage, spirit, or hope.
“I’m going to encourage my kids to take Karate classes this Summer”.
Ultimately. Adverb. Eventually.
“Ultimately, it’s your decision”.
Babysit. Verb. “I babysit my nephew on Friday afternoons”.
Low pay. Low salary.

Questions about Context.
1. Does Rob have any kids? What does his wife do for a living?

2. Are working mothers common in Japan? How does that compare to the UK and the US?

3. Do grandparents help out in the US? Do they in the UK?

4. Do both parents work in the US?

5. Where do mothers take their kids when they work?

6. What does Bob think about taking his kid to daycare?

Leaving a Message Page 57.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Telephoning - Leaving a Message".
Audio name on your CD: "LeavingAMessage.mp3".

Questions about Context.
1. Who answered the phone?

2. Who’s Peter looking for?
3. What’s the message?
4. What’s his telephone number?

Extra Work: Is Being Beautiful Important?Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Beauty Trumps All".
Video name on your CD: "Beauty Trumps All" Quick time video.

Homely. Adjective. Plain or Unatractive in Appearance.
Screen. Noun. a protective or ornamental device (as a movable partition) shielding an area from heat or drafts or from view.

Questions about Context.
1. What happened with the ladies dropping books on the street?
2. What happened to the new waitress looking homely at Bazooka's?
3. What happens during the hiring process when orchestras hold auditions?

Extra Work: High School Jobs.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "HighSchoolJobs" (from 0'28'' to 03'10'').

Audio name on your CD: "HighSchoolJobs.mp3".

Vocabulary (from 3'10'' to 16'18'')
A fortune.
Allowance. Noun.
Summertime. Noun.
Wintertime. Noun.
I up and…
Minimum wage.
Scrub. Verb.
Pots and pans.
No picnic.
Let me tell you.
Keep up with. Verb.
Locksmith. Noun.
To this day.
Keyblank. Noun.
Come in handy.

Questions about Context.
1- What was Jeff’s first job? How long did he last there? How much money did he get per hour?
2- What was Jeff’s second? How long did he last there?
3- Why did he feel bad when he quit his second job?
4- What was Jeff’s third? How long did he last there?
5- What is the minimum age to get a job in the US (at least legally)?
6- Mention other possible high school jobs in the summertime or wintertime in the US.

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-14.html .

Extra Work: Working Conditions in Denmark.
Written exercise.
Read the article at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/17/business/global/17denmark.html?hp and describe some of the working conditions in Denmark.
Extra Work: Understanding Addresses.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "246-understanding Addresses" (from 1'00'' to 03'54").
Audio name on your CD: "UnderstandingAddresses.mp3" (from 1'00'' to 03'54").

Questions about Context.
1. What's Jim Kelly's current address?
2. What's Jim Kelly's future address in Michigan?

3. What's Dr. Uemura's address?
4. What's Dr. Uemura's first name?


Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-14.html .

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