
Extra Work Lesson 13

Korean Festival Page 31.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show Festival".

Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show Festival.mp3".

Questions about Context.
1. When’s the festival?
2. What time does it start?
3. Where’s it going to be held?
4. What time are Carlos and Ralph meeting?
5. Where?

Find it at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-13.html .

Business Lunch and Ordering Food Page 31.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Business Lunch and Ordering Food".
Audio name on your CD: "Business Lunch and OrderingFood.mp3".

Expressions used.
- I’m Joe and I’ll be your server this evening.
- I’ll have a hamburger.
- Would you like it served in a bun or in a bowl?
- You have your choice of Minestrone, cheese and alphabet soup.
- It comes with ketchup, mustard and pickles.
- Could I substitute a Minestrone for today’s soup?

Questions about Context.
1. What comes with the wrap?
2. What options besides whole wheat tortilla do you have for the wrap itself?
3. What type of salad dressing do they have?
4. What are the options for salads?
5. What did the woman order for lunch?
6. What did the man order for lunch?

Computer Terms Page 36.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Words and Their Stories: Computer Terms".
Audio name on your CD: "VOA ComputerTerms.mp3".

Questions about Context.
1. What’s the story behind the mouse? Why is it called that way?

2. What’s a hacker?
3. What’s Google’s main use?
4. What does Google mean?
5. What’s a blog?
6. What’s spam? Why is it called that way?

Extra Work: Your Hometown.

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "goFluent: Podcast #25 Describing your Hometown".
Audio name on your CD: "DescribingYourHometown.mp3".

Prayer cards floating in the wind, Kyoto, Japan
This travel blog photo's source is TravelPod page: Prayer cards floating in the wind, Kyoto, Japan

Chairperson. Noun.
Hometown. Noun.
Attractions. Noun.
Typical. Adj.
Temple. Noun.
Shrines. Noun.
Calm. Adj.
Peaceful. Adj.
Simple. Adj.
Unhurried. Adj.
Polite. Adj.
Courteous. Adj.

Useful Expressions.
Tourist spots.

Prayer cards.

World heritage sites.
Buddish shrine.

-Describe your hometown, a city where you have lived before, the city where you now live and the city of your dreams (Paris, London, Rio, etc.).
-Describe people in your hometown, a city where you have lived before, the city where you now live and a city you've already visited.

Questions about Context.
-What's Tokio like?
-What's Kioto like?
-What are the people like in Kyoto?

The Most Expensive Sandwich Page 36.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "The Most Expensive Sandwich in the World".
Audio name on your CD: "TheMostExpensiveSandwich.mp3".

Questions about context.
1. Where is the store located?
2. What are the ingredients?
3. How much does it weigh?
4. How many calories does it have?
5. How much is the sandwich?
6. What can you buy in London with that amount of money?

Find it at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-13.html .

Extra Work: Ernie's Cuppie Cakes.
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Sesame Street: Scrumptious with Jessica Alba".

Video name on your CD: "Sesame Street_ Scrumptious with Jess" (iTunes music player file).
Luscious. Adjective. Having a delicious taste or smell.
Gorgeous. Adjective. Beautiful.
Fudgy. Adjective. Something that  contains a soft creamy candy made typically of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring.
Yummy. Adjective. Delicious.

Written exercise.
Write a list of examples using the adjectives mentioned in this conversation.
Script.Find it at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-13.html .

Extra Work: SBUX at the Stock Market.

Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "3-22-07 Starbucks (SBUX)".
Video name on your CD: "3-22-07 Starbucks (SBUX)" QuickTime Movie file.

Easy Questions About Context.
Write down the list of drinks Lindsay is planning to buy at the coffee shop.

Find the list of drinks at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/06/scripts-lesson-13.html .

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