
Congestion Based Pricing

Congestion Based Pricing.
Lesson 22.
Extra Work.

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "California toll lanes up to $9.mp3" from 0'24'' to 5'02''.
Audio name on your CD: "California lanes up to $9.mp3".

Listen to this Clark Howard show which was on the air just recently and answer the questions down below.

Idiomatic Expressions.

Automatic transponder
Breathless excitement
Bumper to bumper traffic
Car pool lane
Congestion Based Pricing
Freeway speeds
Lexus lanes
My eyes Popped out of my head
Sit in traffic

Stuck in traffic

Questions about Context.

1. Explain how the Riverside freeway in Orange County works.

2. How much did it cost Clark to ride the Riverside Freeway a few months or years ago? How much did it cost at peak hour just recently?

3. Explain Clark’s example that justifies paying a high toll at the road.

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