
Describing your Work Day

Describing your Work Day (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "LI-9 Describing your Work Day". From 2'40'' to 5'28''.
Audio name on your CD: "LI-9 Describing your Work Day.mp3". From 2'40'' to 5'28''.

Appointment. Noun.
Boss. Noun.
Chat. Noun.
Check in. Verb.
Colleague. Noun.
Depend on. Verb.
Inquiry. Noun.
Luckily. Adverb.
Figures. Noun.

Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions.
Answering Machine.
As soon as.
For a while.
Run late.
Take time off.
The good thing.
Stuck in traffic.


Listen to what these people say about their routine on weekdays. Write a report to tell us about them.

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