Shopping for Shoes page 17.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ESL Podcast #205 - Shopping for Shoes".
Audio name on your CD: "ESL Podcast #205 - Shopping for Shoes.mp3".
Questions about context.
1. What type of shoes is the customer looking for?
2. What seems to be wrong with the slip-ons?
3. What’s wrong with the six and a half?
4. What’s wrong with the seven?
5. Which ones is she finally taking home?
Extra reading material.
How old id the oldest shoe? Find out at .
Making Plans page 18.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ ShowMakingPlans".
Audio name on your CD: "ETJ ShowMakingPlans.mp3".
Written exercise.
Write some of the plans from the audio. You can also write your plans for the weekend or for the rest of the week.
Pumpernickel page 21.
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Sesame Street: Pumpernickel with Rachel Ray".
Video name on your CD: "SesameStreetPumpernickel" I-tunes music player file.
Home made. Something made at home.
Pour. Verb.
Yeast. Noun. It consists largely of cells of fungus and is used in baking. It causes the bread to get bigger.
Warm. Adjective. Not hot, not cold.
Stir. Verb.
Flour. Noun.
Dough. Noun.
Precise. Adjective.
Measurement. Noun.
Recipe. Noun.
Salt. Noun.
Blob. Noun.
Dump out. Verb.
Clumpy. Adjective. A compact mass.
Knead. Verb.
Light. Adjective. Not intense.
Greased. Adjective. Smeared with grease.
Bread pan. Noun.
Pat. Verb. To flatten, smooth or put into place with light strikes.
Damp. Adjective. Moderately wet.
Towel. Noun.
Rise. Verb.
Oven. Noun.
Watch the capsule from the TV show and write a list of steps to follow to make bread (From 2:43 to 3:48).
Find the script at .
Extra Work: Travel Skills: Getting Cash.
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Travel Skills: Getting Cash".
Video name on your CD: "Travel Skills_ Getting Cash" MPEG-4 file.
Questions about Context.
1. What’s the best way to get money in Europe?
2. How can you change from dollars into euros at the best rate?
3. Do you pay a fee when you get cash from an ATM?
4. How can you minimize the fees paid?
5. Is it better to get cash from a credit card? Why or why not?
6. What happens with currency exchange offices? Are they cheaper or not?
Extra Work: ETJ Show: Agreeing on Date and Time".
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show AgreeingOnDateAndTime".
Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show AgreeingOnDateAndTime.mp3".
Listening Exercise.
Listen and practice with the questions and expressions used to agree on date and time for a movie, party, concert, etc.
Find the script at .
Extra Work: ETJ Show: Agreeing on Date and Time Further Practice".
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show AgreeingOnDateAndTime-FurtherPractice".
Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show AgreeingOnDateAndTime-FurtherPractice.mp3".
Writing exercise.
Write a comprehensive dialogue using any of the 3 situations shown on the audio.
Extra Work: Bob and Rob Show About "Except For".
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "BobandRobShowExceptFor".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&RobShowExceptFor.mp3".
Writing Exercise.
Write 2 or 3 examples using "except" or "except for".
Ex. "I always buy a magazine on weekends except when I'm on vacation."
Ejercicios por Lección
about food
Clases Grupales
Cultural Differences
Curso Empresarial
Curso Intensivo
diseases and symptoms
Lesson 01
Lesson 02
Lesson 03
Lesson 04
Lesson 05
Lesson 06
Lesson 07
Lesson 08
Lesson 09
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
lesson 30
Live entertainment
Movie Trailers
Physical Descriptions
reading material
Social Media
stock market
successful companies
TV Commercials
TV shows
working moms
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