
Scripts Lesson 12

Pumpernickel Video.
Vanny and Perphie are going to make homemade bread. Pour the yeast into two cups of warm water and stir. Add flour. Pour more flour. Good dough requires precise measurements. Be sure to follow the recipe carefully. Add salt and stir. The secret to good bread is in the dough. Divide the dough into two separate blobs. Dump out the dough on the table, while still clumpy and begin kneading it around. Now place the dough into two lightly greased bread pans. Next, pad the dough down into the bread pans. Place a warm damp towel over the bread pans. Make sure the dough is covered. It takes about two hours for the dough to rise. It’s finally ready to go in the oven.

Great way to make bread, but that’s not pumperknickel.

Extra Work: ETJ SHow Agreeing on Date and Time.
Invite someone:
A: Let’s go to the movies.
B: Ask for details about the event or happening:

A: When is it?
B: It’s on Friday.

A: When?
B: It’s at 8pm tonight.
A: When is the concert?
B: It’s tomorrow night.
A: What time?
B: It’s at 8.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s at the Central Theater.

A: Where’s the dance performance?
B: It’s downtown, along the river.

A: Who’s playing? OR
A: What band is playing?
B: I’m not sure, but I think a South American band is playing.

A: Where’s the festival?
B: It’s downtown, next to the ice cream shop.

Now make plans where, when and what time to meet:
A: What time should we meet?
B: How about 8:30 tonight? OR
B: How about nine?
A: When should we meet?
B: How about 7?
A: What time do you want to meet?
B: How’s 9am for you? OR
B: How’s 9 o’clock for you? OR
B: How about 8:30?

A: Is it OK if we meet at 7?
B: Sure.

A: Where should we meet?
B: Let’s meet at the station.

A: Where do you want to meet?
B: How about at the ice cream shop? Or
B: How about if we meet at the ice cream shop?

A: Is it ok if we meet at the bookstore?
B: Sure.

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