
Extra Work Lesson 28

Extra Work: A Spoonful of Sugar: Mary Poppins the Musical (in your CD)
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "A Spoonful of Sugar for Broadway".

Video name on your CD: "A Spoonful of Sugar for Broadway" MPEG-4 file.

Questions about context.
1. According to Bob, what’s Ashley like?
2. Explain how Ashley got the role of Mary Poppins for the musical.
3. Tell us something about the author from the Mary Poppins novel.

Find the script at  http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/12/scripts-lesson-28.html .

Extra Work: How Power Transformed Women's Tennis (in your CD)
Write a brief essay describing the changes that Women's tennis has achieved during the last 20 years.

Find the news report at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/magazine/29Tennis-t.html?pagewanted=6&hp .

Extra Work: Federer and Nadal Getting Ready to Meet in the Final.
Listen to this news report and tell us what these players have had to go through to be able to meet in the finals (they ended up not meeting then).

Find the news report at http://video.nytimes.com/video/2009/09/12/sports/1247464552756/federer-and-nadal-near-showdown.html .

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