
Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.
Lesson 27.

Text name on your CD: "L27WhyChineseMothersAreSuperior.pdf".

Extra exercise.
Share your point of view. Tell us your take about
  1. Not allowing your kids to do the things on Amy's list.
  2. Being respectful to your parents
  3. Children's self-esteem
  4. Getting straight A's when at school
  5. Her story about her kids learning a tough piano piece.


Find out a bit more about the book this essay is based on. Find it as a book, as an e-book for your kindle or as an e-book for your i-pad or smartphone (i-phone or android) at http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Hymn-Tiger-Mother-Chua/dp/1594202842/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1314034281&sr=1-1 



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