
Cholera Strikes Haiti

Cholera strikes Haiti.
Lesson 17.

You can also watch the video at http://video.nytimes.com/video/2012/03/31/world/americas/100000001463594/cholera-grips-haiti.html

Relief. Adjective. Military assistance to an endangered post.

Struggle. Verb. To proceed with difficulty or with great effort.
Treated. Adjective. To care for or deal with medically. “People need treated water”.
Contaminated. Adjective. Polluted.
Cluster. Verb. To collect people into a group of buildings.
Latrine. Noun. A receptacle for use as a toilet.
Deploy. Verb. To utilize or arrange for a deliberate purpose.
Outbreak. Noun. A sudden or violent increase in activity or currency
Unfounded. Adjective. Not proved.
Dehydrating. Adjective.
Overwhelm. Verb. To overcome by superior force or numbers.
Sewage. Noun. Refuse liquids or waste matter.
Pollute. Verb. To contaminate.
Surge. Verb. To rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value.
Slum. A densely populated usually urban area marked by crowding, dirty rundown housing, poverty, and social disorganization.
Vaccination. A preparation administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.
Lingering. To remain existent although it shouldn’t.
Distrust. Noun. Opposite to trust.
Idiomatic Expressions.
Around the corner. Something coming soon.

Write a brief essay to describe what happened in Haiti after the devastating earthquake that hit the island back in 2010.

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