
Extra Work Lesson 06

Practice 1 and 2 page 2 and 4.

Look at the following menu (click on it to make it look bigger) and complete the conversation.

Clerk:        Yes, ______.
Client A:     ________________. Anything for you?
Client B:     _________________, please.
Clerk:         ____________ or _____________?
Client B:     Make it ________.
Clerk:         Is it for here or to go?
Client A:     ______________ .
Clerk:         __________________, please… out of ______________…
                  __________________ is your change.

Beers per Capita Page 6.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Bob&RobShow BeersPerCapita".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&RobShow BeersPerCapita.mp3"

Questions about Context.
1) How many beers did Rob have last Sunday?

2) Which countries drink the most beer per capita?


3) Which country consumes the most beer in the whole world?
4) How many people live in China according to Rob and Bob?

Find the transcript at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2011/01/scripts-lesson-06.html .

English Café #10: The Super Bowl (Extra work).
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "English Cafe #10" (From 2:49 to 9:00).
Audio name on your CD: "EnglishCafe SuperbowlandPizzas.mp3" (From 2:49 to 9:00)

Listen to Jeff talking about the Super Bowl from 2006.

Questions about Context.
1. Who plays against the Steelers at the Superbowl?
2. Why are they called Steelers?
3. According to the Wall Street Journal, what’s popular to eat on Super Bowl Sunday?
4. Does Jeff like the Superbowl?
5. According to Jeff, What’s the interesting thing about the Superbowl?

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