
An Open House

Extra Work: Having An Open House.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "546 - Having an Open House".
Audio name on your CD: "546 - Having an Open House.mp3".

Open house. From 5:07 to 7:22
Lookie-loos. From 8:56 to 9:25
Stager. From 10:50 to 11:54
De-cluttered. From 12:15 to 13:23
Landscaping. From 13:23 to 13:41
Fact sheet. From 14:40 to 15:05
Square footage. From 15:16 to 15:34
Lot. From 15:34 to 15:43
Addition. From 15:50 to 16:14
Permitted. From 16:19 to 17:18
Upgrade. From 17:18 to 17:54

Questions about context.
What did Ernie and Kyoko do to have their house ready for the open house?
What did the stager do before the open house started?

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-15.html .

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