
Extra Work Lesson 17

Answering Machine Audio on page 35.
Questions about context.
1. Write Leslie’s message at her voicemail.
2. Write Celia’s message at her voicemail.
3. Write Amanda’s message at her voicemail.
4. Who did Jeff finally go to the concert with? How was it?

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-17.html

Getting Familiar with "Should" on page 37.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show Should".
Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show Should.mp3".

Have some practice with the examples you listen to. Write 3 or 4.

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-17.html

Outlet Shopping Secrets Video on page 42.
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Outlet Shopping Secrets".
Video name on your CD: "Outlet Shopping Secrets" MPEG-4 file.

Questions about context.
1. According to the article, tell us in your own words what seems to be good about going shopping to the outlets.
2. How big is Woodbury Common Outlets? How do you know?
3. Give us an example of a bargain found there.

Extra Work: Airport Pick-up (in your CD).
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "L17 EnglishPod AirportPick-up".

Audio name on your CD: "L17 EnglishPod AirportPick-up.mp3".

Today’s Monday and Denisse Richardsen just arrived to London at 6pm. Jack Johnson went to the airport to pick her up. Try to find out what her schedule is during her stay.

Baggage. Noun.
Luggage. Noun.
Sleep in. Verb.
Get settled. Verb.
Have a rest. Verb.
Get over something. Verb.

Useful Phrases.
Let me help you with
No worries.
That would be lovely.
That sounds great.
We would love to invite you…
I would love to come.
That is very considerate of you. Similar to being thoughtful, the opposite would be “That’s selfish”.

Jet lag.

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-17.html .

Questions about context
1. Where’s the car? Is it far away?
2.  Did anybody say a compliment?
3. What’s the weather like?
4. Where’s she staying?
5. What’s the plan for the rest of the evening?
6. What´s the plan for tomorrow (Tuesday)?
7. How about tomorrow night?
8. What´s the plan for the day after tomorrow (Wednesday).
9. What´s the rest of the plan for Wednesday?
10. What’s the plan for Thursday?
11.When’s she getting her flight back home?

Extra work: "Allergy season reaches peak" (in your CD)
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "A Spoonful of Sugar for Broadway".
Video name on your CD: "A Spoonful of Sugar for Broadway" i-tunes music player file.

To download iTunes, go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/

Questions about context.
1. Why was allergy season delayed?
2. How do you know there's pollen in the air when you go outside during April in Washington?
3. What could happen if all you do is take over the counter medicine?

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-17.html .

Extra work: "Bob and Rob Pink Eye" (in your CD)

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Bob&RobPinkEye".
Audio name on your CD: "Bob&RobPinkEye.mp3".
To download iTunes, go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/

Questions about context.
What's the matter with Bob?

Getting Familiar with "Must" (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show Must-Can't".
Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show Must-Can't.mp3".

Have some practice with the examples you listen to and examples of your own. Write 2 or 3.

Extra work: New Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease are at Reach.
Watch the video at http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/06/02/health/research/colombia-alzheimers.html

Questions about context.
1. What's so unusual about Alzheimer's disease in Yarumal, Colombia?
2. Who's Laura Cuartas?
3. What is Dr. Francisco Lobera doing for these people in Colombia?
4. What do the tests involve?
5. Describe Carlos Alberto's case and his family.

Extra Work: 127 Hours: Official Trailer.
Find the exercise at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2011/03/danny-boyless-127-hours.html .
Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/04/scripts-lesson-17.html .

Extra Work: Patients with Migraine.
Listen to what these people have to say about migraine. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/12/15/health/healthguide/TE_migraine.html?ref=health

Tell us what triggers their migraines and what it is like to live with it for them.
Skip Masland:
Vickie Martin:
William Car:
Aviva Goldfarb
Tracey Makowsky:
Terri Sinnott:

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