
Extra Work Lesson 23

United Airlines Commercial Pages 22 (in your CD).
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "United Airlines (MOV)".
Video name on your CD: "Commercial United Airlines" QuickTime video file.

Watch this TV commercial about a dad going on a trip someplace far away. Write a paragraph describing what’s being told on the video.

Tell me about Yourself page 26 (in your CD).
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ESL Podcast TellMeAboutYourself".

Audio name on your CD: "ESL Podcast TellMeAboutYourself.mp3".

Spring chicken.
Keep up with.
Be into.
Bachelor’s degree.
Learn the ropes.
Master’s degreee.
Ph. D.
Finish up.
Questions about Context.
1. Give a brief description about Jeff’s personal history.
2. Write two or three paragraphs to describe your own personal history.

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/05/scripts-lesson-23.html .

Extra Work: Famous Musicians: Janis Joplin (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "JanisJoplinNewYorkEnglish".
Audio name on your CD: "JanisJoplinNewYorkEnglish.mp3".

Distictive or Common.
Strong or Weak.
Tough or Nice.
Powerful or Weak.
Raspy. very loud and unharmonious. or Quiet.
High voice or a low voice.
Rich or Poor sound.
Great or lousy voice.

- Listen to this podcast and tell us a thing or two about Janis Joplin. You can tell us what her voice was like, for example.
- Mention other musicians who also died of a drug overdose when they were still young.
- What was her favorite outfit when she was on stage? What was so unique about it?

Extra Work:Car Free Summer Streets (in your CD).
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Car Free Summer Streets".
Video name on your CD: "Car Free Summer Streets" QuickTime video file.
Watch this news report about a program in NYC to promote using the bike among citizens in the big Apple. Write a paragraph describing how it works as told on this video.
Find out more about bikes at http://www.bikeleague.org/ .

Extra Work: Affordable London; Ancient Britain. (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Affordable London; Ancient Britain" (from 9:33 to 12:56).
Audio name on your CD: "Affordable London_Ancient Britain.mp3" (from 9:33 to 12:56).

Delightful. Adjective.
Feed. Verb.
Jogger. Noun.
Monument. Noun.
Stumble upon. Verb.
Overlooked. Verb.

Questions about Context. 1. How come Katie from Seattle knows about London?
2. According to Katie, what are the three things you can do in London if you don't have much money?
3. Why is that?
4 How come she likes Borough market?

Extra Work: I Do the Hiring (in your CD).

Article name on your CD: "IDoTheHiring" Pdf file.
Read this news report about Jamie Pritscher who happens to be very young to do the things at work she needs to do. Write a list of things she had to do to gain respect and improve the communication with all the people she needs to coordinate.

Article originally available at  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/jobs/02pre.html?scp=1&sq=preoccupations%20pritscher&st=cse .

Extra Work: Listerine Commercial with Morgan Freeman.

See the exercise at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2011/03/listerine-commercial.html .


Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/05/scripts-lesson-23.html .

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