
Extra Work Lesson 25

The Shuttle Page 4.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "NYT: Advertising Spotlight for 03/06/2006".

Audio name on your CD: "TheShuttle.mp3".

Luxury. Adjective.
Compose. Verb. to form by putting together.
Limo. Noun. Limousine.
Evocative. Adjective. Evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response. “That movie was so evocative I burst into tears”.
Target. Noun. A goal to be achieved.
Make up. Verb. Compensate for.
Speed. Verb. To go or drive at excessive or illegal speed
Charter. Noun. A mercantile lease of a ship or plane or some principal part of it. “I took a charter to Vegas last month at it was OK”.

Questions about Context.
- How long does it take to fly from Manhattan to JFK?
- How much does a single ticket cost?
- Can you name one of the phrases used at the advertising campaign?
- Who’s likely to use this service?
- How much money is planned to be invested for this campaign?

Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/08/scripts-lesson-25.html .

Extra info about US Helicopter.
This company no longer offers the shuttle service. Look at the article at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/26/nyregion/26heli.html .

E-mail to a Friend Page 12.
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "ETJ Show e-mails". From 3'58'' to 7'26''.

Audio name on your CD: "ETJ Show e-mails.mp3". From 3'58'' to 7'26''.

Stick with it.

What’ve you been up to?
My nose to the grindstone.
Take a break.

Questions about Context.
Where does Matt live?

Where does he go to work? What does he do for a living?
When did he move? Does he have any friends?
What’s Maria beeen up to lately?
What is she doing in February? How about in March?


Find the script at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/08/scripts-lesson-25.html .

Extra Work: The End of Privacy?
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "The End of Privacy?".

Video name on your CD: "2020 TheEndOfPrivacy" QuickTime Movie.

Questions about Coxtext.
In your own words, explain what happened to Aleksey Vayner after he sent his resume in an unusual format.
Extra Material.
Find a parody of Aleksey's resume at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAV0sxwx9rY

Extra work: High Speed Trains in China.
Watch this video about the new trains in China and tell us what you think about it.

Questions about context.
1. How does this train compare to flying?
2. How long does it usually take in China to go from one city to another by train?

3. How fast are the new trains?

4. How’s it like to take the new Chinese trains according to an average citizen?

5. How expensive is it to take a high speed train for the average citizen?

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