
Extra Work Lesson 24

Warhol at Barney's Department Store Pages 44-45 (in your CD).
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Tue, 26 Dec 2006 08:21:08 -0500".
Video name on your CD: "RocketBoomAndyWarhol" QuickTime video file.

Encompass “My responsabilities encompass answering the phone, sending quotes to customers, etc.”
Unemployment “Unemployment is high when the economy is down”.
Fairly Nearly. “It’s fairly unusual to have a sunny day in August”.
Unconventional. Cognate.
Carve “We’ve carved a niche for ourselves”.
Corky. Extravagant.
Measures out. Appraise by a criterion.
Approach Method.
Accessible. Adjective. Cognate.
Appealing. Adjective. Pleasing, nice.
Elitist. Objective. Someone or something only interested in the elite.
Obscure. Cognate.
Secretive. Cognate.
Screen over. To give shelter or protection to with or as if with a screen
I’m most known for. “I’m most known for writing a column at the New York Times”
By accident. “I became a doctor by accident”.
All year round.
Develop as an artist.
Collecting the bits and pieces.
Get to see.
Rather than.
Get the word out. Go public.
Fairy tale. “Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty are fairy tales”.

Questions about Context.
1. What’s Simon Doonan in charge of?
2. How does this guy come up with new fresh ideas for the holiday windows?
3. What seems to be different between Barney’s windows and those from other store chains?
4.How do they bring the display together? Are windows opened so people can watch them being installed or the store screens them over?

Check out more windows at Barney's at http://www.barneys.com/Windows/WINDOWS,default,pg.html
Extra Work: The Night Shift in Newark (in your CD).
Video name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "The Night Shift in Newark".

Video name on your CD: "The Night Shift in Newark" QuickTime video file.

Predictable. Adjective.
DWI. Verb.
Sober. Adjective.

Watch the video and answer the questions.

Questions about context.
1. What's officer Robert Dwight background? What made him get a job as an officer when he got back from war?
2. What happened to Robert's social life as soon as he became a police officer?
3. Why would it be appealing for Robert to run for mayor?
4. What does officer Luke Laterza think about his job? What does he think about the new officers?
5. Who seems to be responsible for the car accident? What caused the accident?

Extra work: Life in Japan (in your CD)
Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "Life in Japan". From 0'28'' to 3'28''.
Audio name on your CD: "AboutTokioSuburbs.mp3". From 0'28'' to 3'28''.
Bed town.

How's it like to live in Tokio compared to your life style? How's it like compared to London? Tell us about it.
Find it at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2010/05/scripts-lesson-24.html

Extra work: Describing your Work Day (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "LI-9 Describing your Work Day". From 2'40'' to 5'28''.
Audio name on your CD: "LI-9 Describing your Work Day.mp3". From 2'40'' to 5'28''.


Listen to what these people say about their routine on weekdays. Write a report to tell us about them.

Extra work: Living in a Cramped Quarter in NYC.
Watch this series of videos from people who live in cramped quarters in NYC and describe what's like to live there for them. Videos can be found at http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/14/realestate/20101114_twentysomethings.html .

A. Tell us about Abe Cavin Quezada.
B. Tell us about Sarah Walsh
C. Tell us about Ben Craw.
D. Tell us about Stefan Rurak.
E. Tell us about Sam Tolman who lives in the suburbs.
F. Tell us about Andrea Fisher.

Extra Work: How Warm is your House?
There's a discussion nowadays in the UK as to what needs to be done to reduce their carbon emissions by 2050. So one of the steps to achieve such reduction is to decide as individuals how much heating can be reduced.

Creep up. Verb. To move slowly on hands and feet to go up.
Glazing. Noun
Draughty. Adjective (British). exposed to or abounding in drafts of air .http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12606943 .

Caveat. Noun. a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something.
Woollies. Noun (British) Noun.
Chilly. Adjective. Cold.

Reading Exercise.
Read the magazine article from the BBC at

Exercise about Context.
1. How cold is your house in winter? How cool is it in late spring when the weather in town is the hottest?
2. Explain in your own words what people need to do to reduce their carbon emissions by 2050.
3. Explain to us what you do now to reduce the carbon emissions. To be more precise, you can check http://my2050.decc.gov.uk/ for more detail on how to determine such emissions.

Extra Work: Day Light Savings (in your CD).

Audio name on I-tunes and the I-pod: "KWWL #54 DayLightSavings".
Audio name on your CD: "KWWL #54 DayLightSavings.mp3".

This couple from New Mexico is talking about how fall and winter look like in Oregon where they now live. Listen to what they have to say.
Particularly. Adverb.
Markedly. Adverb.
Thrive on. Verb.  To progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances. "I usually thrieve on conflict".
Look forward to. To anticipate something with pleasure or satisfaction.

Your whole excuse.
Throw for a loop. Adjective. Confused. Mixed up.
Flip side. A different aspect of something. The flip side to this.
Come sideways. I don't like the type of rain that comes sideways".

How does the winter time affect your life?
1. Talk about a place you've been where things are not appealing to you (gets dark too early, way too hot, bitterly cold) and tell us what you did to cope with it.
2. What's your favorite time of the year?

Rango the Movie.
Find the exercise at http://englishvillemexico.blogspot.com/2011/04/johnny-depps-rango.html .

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